Cost to send staff onsite (For remote troubleshooting and/or bringing someone onsite) This cost is the cost of the remote hands, Maintence and travel time. $1500 is an averaging based upon several customers input
Annual cost to maintain secondary MPLS or ethernet connection to avoid loss of connectivity This cost can be avoided in many cases when a cellular ondeman connection is available
Cost of downtime per hour This should include loss of revenue, loss of productivity (calculate Number of employees X average $ per hour)
Average duration of outage in hours This is the outage time based upon your specific design for uptime of the office
Average outages per site annually
Number of upgrades that must be preformed onsite annually Many upgrade can be preformend remotely when you have cellular failover as well as Power management and serial connectivity
Decrease in outage time with remote management and cellular failover (%) Having remote connectiviy helps to troubleshoot evn when the network is down
Cost of remote device Includes Support maintenance for three years
Cost of on-demand cellular service connection annually
Depreciation time period (Months)
Total cost of downtime per year per site (Without remote management) These costs include cost to send remote personel, loss of productivity and loss of revenue$8,706
Cost savings with remote management (Annual)$5,328