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Best Practices to Protect your Infrastructure & Combat Ransomware with ZPE Systems Services Delivery Platform

Webinars & Presentations

Home » Best Practices to Protect your Infrastructure & Combat Ransomware with ZPE Systems Services Delivery Platform

Webinars & Presentations

Cisco Live Koroush Presentation

Best Practices to Combat Ransomware

Protect your Infrastructure & Combat Ransomware with ZPE Systems’ Services Delivery Platform

Presented by Koroush Saraf, VP of Marketing and Products


Why do ransomware attacks continue despite 2,000+ #cybersecurity companies and 10,000+ products? Most organizations aren’t aware of the best practices used by the top brands and tech giants. In this presentation, ZPE Systems’ VP of Products and Marketing, Koroush Saraf, covers this problem in-depth and shows you the safe, reliable way to defend against attacks using #automation.

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Listen to Vapor IO put these best practices to the test

Vapor IO is re-architecting the internet. They deployed these best practices using ZPE Systems’ Nodegrid, which enabled full lights-out management and automated patching. Not only do they keep ops running at up to twelve-nines reliability, but they also have the isolated management network to keep systems patched and up-to-date.

Hear the story from Frank Basso, EVP of Ops at Vapor IO, on the recent Packet Pushers podcast.


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ZPE Systems delivers innovative solutions to simplify infrastructure managment at the datacenter, branch, and edge. Learn how our Zero Pain Ecosystem can solve your biggest network orchestration pain points.  
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