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The Security Standards Council (SSC) of the Payment Card Industry (PCI) released the version 4.0 update of the Data Security Standard (DSS) in March 2022. PCI DSS 4.0 applies to any organization in any country that accepts, handles, stores, or transmits cardholder data. This standard defines cardholder data as any personally identifiable information (PII) associated with someone’s credit or debit card. The risks for PCI DSS 4.0 noncompliance include fines, reputational damage, and potentially lost business, so organizations must stay up to date with all recent changes.

The new requirements cover everything from protecting cardholder data to implementing user access controls, zero trust security measures, and frequent penetration (pen) testing. Each major requirement defined in the updated PCI DSS 4.0 is summarized below, with tables breaking down the specific compliance stipulations and providing tips or best practices for meeting them.

Citation: The PCI DSS v4.0

PCI DSS 4.0 requirements and best practices

Every PCI DSS 4.0 requirement starts with a stipulation that the processes and mechanisms for implementation are clearly defined and understood. The best practice involves updating policy and process documents as soon as possible after changes occur, such as when business goals or technologies evolve, and communicating changes across all relevant business units.

Jump to the other requirements below:

Build and maintain a secure network and systems

Requirement 1: Install and maintain network security controls

Network security controls include firewalls and other security solutions that inspect and control network traffic. PCI DSS 4.0 requires organizations to install and properly configure network security controls to protect payment card data.

Stipulations for Compliance

Best Practices

Network security controls (NSCs) are configured and maintained.

Validate network security configurations before deployment and use configuration management to track changes and prevent configuration drift.

Network access to and from the cardholder data environment (CDE) is restricted.

Monitor all inbound traffic to the CDE, even from trusted networks, and, when possible, use explicit “deny all” firewall rules to prevent accidental gaps.

Network connections between trusted and untrusted networks are controlled.

Implement a DMZ that manages connections between untrusted networks and public-facing resources on the trusted network.

Risks to the CDE from computing devices that can connect to both untrusted networks and the CDE are mitigated.

Use security controls like endpoint protection and firewalls to protect devices from Internet-based attacks and zero-trust and network segmentation to prevent lateral movement to CDEs.

Requirement 2: Apply secure configurations to all system components

Attackers often compromise systems using known default passwords or old, forgotten services. PCI DSS 4.0 requires organizations to properly configure system security settings and reduce the attack surface by turning off unnecessary software, services, and accounts.

Stipulations for Compliance

Best Practices

System components are configured and managed securely.

Continuously check for vendor-default user accounts and security configurations and ensure all administrative access is encrypted using strong cryptographic protocols.

Wireless environments are configured and managed securely.

Apply the same security standards consistently across wired and wireless environments, and change wireless encryption keys whenever someone leaves the organization.

Protect account data

Requirement 3: Protect stored account data

Any payment account data an organization stores must be protected by methods such as encryption and hashing. Organizations should also limit account data storage unless it’s necessary and, when possible, truncate cardholder data.

Stipulations for Compliance

Best Practices

Storage of account data is kept to a minimum.

Use data retention and disposal policies to configure an automated, programmatic procedure to locate and remove unnecessary account data.

Sensitive authentication data (SAD) is not stored after authorization.

Review data sources to ensure that the full contents of any track, card verification code, and PIN/PIN blocks are not retained after the authorization process is completed.

Access to displays of full primary account number (PAN) and ability to copy cardholder data are restricted.

Use role-based access control (RBAC) to limit PAN access to individuals with a defined need and use the masking approach to display only the number of digits needed for a specific function.

PAN is secured wherever it is stored.

Render PAN unreadable using one-way hashing with a randomly generated secret key, truncation, index tokens, and strong cryptography with secure key management.

Cryptographic keys used to protect stored account data are secured.

Manage cryptographic keys with a centralized key management system that’s PCI DSS 4.0 compliant to restrict access to key-encrypting keys and store them separately from data-encrypting keys.

Where cryptography is used to protect stored account data, key management processes and procedures covering all aspects of the key lifecycle are defined and implemented.

Use a key management solution that simplifies or automates key replacement for old or compromised keys.

Requirement 4: Protect cardholder data with strong cryptography during transmission over open, public networks

While requirement 3 applies to stored card data, requirement 4 outlines stipulations for protecting cardholder data in transit.

Stipulations for Compliance

Best Practices

PAN is protected with strong cryptography during transmission.

Encrypt PAN over both public and internal networks and apply strong cryptography at both the data level and the session level.

Maintain a vulnerability management program

Requirement 5: Protect all systems and networks from malicious software

Organizations must take steps to prevent malicious software (a.k.a., malware) from infecting the network and potentially exposing cardholder data.

Stipulations for Compliance

Best Practices

Malware is prevented, or detected and addressed.

Use a combination of network-based controls, host-based controls, and endpoint security solutions; supplement signature-based tools with AI/ML-powered detection.

Anti-malware mechanisms and processes are active, maintained, and monitored.

Update tools and signature databases as soon as possible and prevent end-users from disabling or altering anti-malware controls.

Anti-phishing mechanisms protect users against phishing attacks.

Use a combination of anti-phishing approaches, including anti-spoofing controls, link scrubbers, and server-side anti-malware.

Requirement 6: Develop and maintain secure systems and software

Development teams should follow PCI-compliant processes when writing and validating code. Additionally, install all appropriate security patches immediately to prevent malicious actors from exploiting known vulnerabilities in systems and software.

Stipulations for Compliance

Best Practices

Bespoke and custom software are developed securely.

Use manual or automatic code reviews to search for undocumented features, validate that third-party libraries are used securely, analyze insecure code structures, and check for logical vulnerabilities.

Security vulnerabilities are identified and addressed.

Use a centralized patch management solution to automatically notify teams of known vulnerabilities and pending updates.

Public-facing web applications are protected against attacks.

Use automatic vulnerability security assessment tools that include specialized web scanners that analyze web application protection.

Changes to all system components are managed securely.

Use a centralized source code version management solution to track, approve, and roll back changes.

Implement strong access control measures

Requirement 7: Restrict access to system components and cardholder data by business need-to-know

This PCI DSS 4.0 requirement aims to limit who and what has access to sensitive cardholder data and CDEs to prevent malicious actors from gaining access through a compromised, over-provisioned account. “Need to know” means that only accounts with a specific need should have access to sensitive resources; it’s often applied using the “least-privilege” approach, which means only granting accounts the specific privileges needed to perform a job role.

Stipulations for Compliance

Best Practices

Access to system components and data is appropriately defined and assigned.

Use RBAC to provide accounts with access privileges based on their job functions (e.g., ‘customer service agent’ or ‘warehouse manager’) rather than on an individual basis.

Access to system components and data is managed via an access control system.

Use a centralized identity and access management (IAM) system to manage access across the enterprise, including branches, edge computing sites, and the cloud.

Requirement 8: Identify users and authenticate access to system components

Organizations must establish and prove the identity of any users attempting to access CDEs or sensitive data. This requirement is core to the zero trust security methodology which is designed to limit the scope of data access and theft once an attacker has already compromised an account or system.

Stipulations for Compliance

Best Practices

User identification and related accounts for users and administrators are strictly managed throughout an account’s lifecycle.

Use an account lifecycle management solution to streamline account discovery, provisioning, monitoring, and deactivation.

Strong authentication for users and administrators is established and managed.

Replace relatively weak passwords/passphrases with stronger authentication factors like hardware tokens or biometrics.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is implemented to secure access into the CDE.

MFA should also protect access to management interfaces on isolated management infrastructure (IMI) to prevent attackers from controlling the CDE.

MFA systems are configured to prevent misuse.

Secure the MFA system itself with strong authentication and validate MFA configurations before deployment to ensure it requires two different forms of authentication and does not allow any access without a second factor.

Use of application and system accounts and associated authentication factors is strictly managed.

Whenever possible, disable interactive login on system and application accounts to prevent malicious actors from logging in with them.

Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data

Malicious actors could gain access to cardholder data by physically interacting with payment devices or tampering with the hardware infrastructure that stores and processes that data. These PCI DSS 4.0 requirements outline how to prevent physical data access.

Stipulations for Compliance

Best Practices

Physical access controls manage entry into facilities and systems containing cardholder data.

Use logical or physical controls to prevent unauthorized users from connecting to network jacks and wireless access points within the CDE facility.

Physical access for personnel and visitors is authorized and managed.

Require visitor badges and an authorized escort for any third parties accessing the CDE facility, and keep an accurate log of when they enter and exit the building.

Media with cardholder data is securely stored, accessed, distributed, and destroyed.

Do not allow portable media containing cardholder data to leave the secure facility unless absolutely necessary.

Point of interaction (POI) devices are protected from tampering and unauthorized substitution.

Use a centralized, vendor-neutral asset management system to automatically discover and track all POI devices in use across the organization.

Use of application and system accounts and associated authentication factors is strictly managed.

Whenever possible, disable interactive login on system and application accounts to prevent malicious actors from logging in with them.

Regularly monitor and test networks

Requirement 10: Log and monitor all access to system components and cardholder data

User activity logging and monitoring will help prevent, detect, and mitigate CDE breaches. PCI DSS 4.0 requires organizations to collect, protect, and review audit logs of all user activities in the CDE.

Stipulations for Compliance

Best Practices

Audit logs are implemented to support the detection of anomalies and suspicious activity, and the forensic analysis of events.

Use a user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) solution to monitor user activity and detect suspicious behavior with machine learning algorithms.

Audit logs are protected from destruction and unauthorized modifications.

Never store audit logs in public-accessible locations; use strong RBAC and least-privilege policies to limit access.

Audit logs are reviewed to identify anomalies or suspicious activity.

Use an AIOps tool to analyze audit logs, detect anomalous activity, and automatically triage and notify teams of issues.

Audit log history is retained and available for analysis.

Retain audit logs for at least 12 months in a secure storage location; keep the last three months of logs immediately accessible to aid in breach resolution.

Time-synchronization mechanisms support consistent time settings across all systems.

Use NTP to synchronize clocks across all systems to help with breach mitigation and post-incident forensics.

Failures of critical security control systems are detected, reported, and responded to promptly.

Use AIOps to automatically detect, triage, and respond to security incidents. AIOps also provides automatic root-cause analysis (RCA) for faster incident resolution.

Requirement 11: Test security of systems and network regularly

Researchers and attackers continuously discover new vulnerabilities in systems and software, so organizations must frequently test network components, applications, and processes to ensure that in-place security controls are still adequate. ge changes; ensure alerts are monitored.

Stipulations for Compliance

Best Practices

Wireless access points are identified and monitored, and unauthorized wireless access points are addressed.

Use a wireless analyzer to detect rogue access points.

External and internal vulnerabilities are regularly identified, prioritized, and addressed.

PCI DSS 4.0 requires internal and external vulnerability scans at least once every three months, but performing them more often is encouraged if your network is complex or changes frequently.

External and internal penetration testing is regularly performed, and exploitable vulnerabilities and security weaknesses are corrected.

Work with a PCI DSS-approved vendor to perform external and internal penetration testing; conduct pen testing on network segmentation controls.

Network intrusions and unexpected file changes are detected and responded to.

Use AI-powered, next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) with enhanced detection algorithms and automatic incident response capabilities.

Unauthorized changes on payment pages are detected and responded to.

Use anti-skimming technology like file integrity monitoring (FIM) to detect unauthorized payment page changes; ensure alerts are monitored.

Maintain an information security policy

Requirement 12: Support information security with organizational policies and programs

The final requirement is to implement information security policies and programs to support the processes described above and get everyone on the same page about their responsibilities regarding cardholder data privacy.

Stipulations for Compliance

Best Practices

Acceptable use policies for end-user technologies are defined and implemented.

Enforce usage policies with technical controls capable of locking users out of systems, applications, or devices if they violate these policies.

Risks to the cardholder data and environment are formally identified, evaluated, and managed.

Use a centralized patch management system to monitor firmware and software versions, detect changes that may increase risk, and deploy updates to fix vulnerabilities.

PCI DSS compliance is managed.

Service providers must assign executive responsibility for managing PCI DSS 4.0 compliance.

PCI DSS scope is documented and validated.

Frequently validate PCI DSS scope by evaluating the CDE and all connected systems to determine if coverage should be expanded.

Security awareness education is an ongoing activity.

Require all users to take security awareness training upon hire and every year afterwards; it’s also recommended to provide refresher training when someone transfers into a role with more access to sensitive data.

Personnel are screened to reduce risks from insider threats.

In addition to screening new hires, conduct additional screening when someone moves into a role with greater access to the CDE.

Risk to information assets associated with third-party service provider (TPSP) relationships is managed.

Thoroughly analyze the risk of working with third-parties based on their reporting practices, breach history, incident response procedures, and PCI DSS validation.

Third-party service providers (TPSPs) support their customers’ PCI DSS compliance.

Require TPSPs to provide their PCI DSS Attestation of Compliance (AOC) to demonstrate their compliance status.

Suspected and confirmed security incidents that could impact the CDE are responded to immediately.

Create a comprehensive incident response plan that designates roles to key stakeholders.

Isolate your CDE and management infrastructure with Nodegrid

The Nodegrid out-of-band (OOB) management platform from ZPE Systems isolates your control plane and provides a safe environment for cardholder data, management infrastructure, and ransomware recovery. Our vendor-neutral, Gen 3 OOB solution allows you to host third-party tools for automation, security, troubleshooting, and more for ultimate efficiency.

Ready to know more about PCI DSS 4.0 Requirements?

Learn how to meet PCI DSS 4.0 requirements for network segmentation and security by downloading our isolated management infrastructure (IMI) solution guide. Download the Guide